I guarantee you a unique project we have here through Blockchain Technology, blockchain technology brings about security and other mobile games based platforms are aggregating a stepping up to provide monetary benefits for both developers and gamers, through their platform. Blockchain has built a rewarding protocol called Proof-of-Play, which simulates a mining experience by rewarding players for their time and efforts spent gaming.

Sgame Pro
This is where companies like SGame Pro come in with their unique guidelines, Founder and CEO of SGame Pro, Gip Cutrino, says, Sgame Pro is a typical mobile gaming platform (“Sgame Pro”) that enables players to play games from the world’s best platform and earn tokens ( SGM tokens) at the same time they can then be used on the platforms marketplace likewise, also be used in there distributer’s advanced stores as players may exchange SGM from their inner Sgame Pro (“SWallet”) wallet to an ERC-20 good (“Personal Wallet”) outer wallet, pay for game upgrade and new players are given a portion of the advertisement revenues (ADV) generated by playing.

Sgame Pro platform is owned by Switzerland based company developed since 2016. Sgame Pro has effectively launched the Alpha version which rapidly achieves 50,000 users/downloads in 2017 without showcasing spending a penny in promoting and the beta form of SGame Pro Platform was propelled in May 2018 with a broad new element guide for 2018. SGame Pro platform is transforming single-player mobile games into multi-player ones, which not only enhances the gaming experience and also to buy stuff from SGame Marketplace. Sgame Pro is centered around the fast growing global gaming industry and has presented two most important technical innovations which are:

Sgame Pro rewards players (“players” or “players”) with a password token (“Sgame Coin” or “SGM Token”) utility released during the world’s most popular mobile game. SGM is (i) the only way to gain access to the Sgame Pro platform and (ii) a single payment method for all transactions with the Sgame Pro ecosystem.

Sgame Pro integrates the fragmented sectors of independent and large publishers (“publishers” or “publishers”) into a one-stop shopping gaming platform. In Sgame Pro, the player not only finds all the latest games, but also completely new game modes (“asynchronous multiplayer”) by challenging other players in a game that was previously a single player game (“Challenge”). This innovation is really annoying given that 78% of the mobile game market is single player and most of the revenue comes from multiplayer games.

SGame Pro platform also helps promotes an increase in number of users based on SGame Pro’s key campaigns, publishers can earn even more revenue by encouraging new ecosystems to engage players through the previously mentioned technological innovations, along with influential partners (The influencers). Only through SGame Pro can Players compete with other Players from both iOS and Android operating systems, SGM token given players who achieve a new high score or a special goal encourages increases Player engagement and longer playing.

Players can not only find all the latest games, but also have the opportunity to challenge others in a game that was previously just a single player game, creating a completely new game and most of the revenue in gaming comes from multiplayergames.Game producers gets benefit from greater user involvement, not only for the many marketing campaigns of Sgame Pro, but also for collaboration with famous industry Influencers . You will get SGM bonus for sign up in SGame Pro, the referral system is designed to drive viral growth and is of interest to Influencers who can publish Sgame Pro using a profile-creation social media account.

Players and Influencers will have a special public dashboard that contains an overview of the score, play time and other information. In addition, the profiles contain the following information: level, commitment statistics, live performance, games played, SWALLET budget. Influencers will have all the interest to remain active on the platform, because they will enjoy revenues much higher than those offered by YouTube. For example, Let’s see in detail the main features of Sgame Pro:

Donation is one of the major revenue streams in the world of live streaming. With Sgame Pro, fans can show support to their favorite players via an SGM transmission in live sessions, which is a very innovative feature in mobile games. More and more online players build fan bases with live streaming. Live features provide sophisticated and inexpensive streaming solutions for mobile gamers.

Developers must pay a subscription fee in SGM, developers has a vast developer realm that helps independent developers test and promote new game and phone concepts and Sgame Pro combines an advanced fraud prevention system designed to capture a variety of malicious actors, including bots, auto-tapping, fake users and multiple accounts. Currently the reviews referring the information about SGame Pro are explicitly running by their fantastic team so get involve today and enjoy this awesome project.


For Players
Our core mission is to provide Players with an unparalleled user experience where they can play their favorite games while seamlessly ”mining” SGM tokens. Players are engaged in entirely new ways as they are rewarded for Live streaming their gaming. Players will be able to use SGM to challenge each other, to redeem a large number of digital and physical goods on the internal Sgame Pro marketplace and on Publishers’ digital stores. Players will be able to transfer SGM from their internal Swallet to their external ERC-20 compatible wallet at any time.

For Publishers
We offer Publishers an entirely new revenue stream by sharing with them the Challenges’ fees. To put this into context, in 2017 over 800 billion Challenges were played in multiplayer games. In addition, Publishers have a simple and innovative way to promote games: they have the option to reward Players with bonus payments in SGM, provide special rewards in Challenges as well as directly involve Sgame Pro’s Influencers. This is an unparalleled access to key Influencers such as Pewdiepie (60 millions followers), giving Publishers free global marketing.

For Influencers
We allow Influencers to monetize their followers through a referral system which generates an ongoing revenue stream for every lead, regardless of whether the lead remains an Influencer’s follower in the long term. Every referral will be rewarded with part of the SGM earned by the newly introduced Player, without time limits and regardless of whether the Player remains a follower or not. The reward to influencers is paid directly by Sgame Pro and not subtracted from the Player introduced.

For Merchants
We provide Merchants with unprecedented economies of scale and offers the total reach of multiple Publishers all at once, generating comprehensive high quality user data through Player engagement on the Platform. Player profiles will be cross-game, providing significantly more granular Player targeting capabilities. Sgame Pro provides an easy and cost effective way for Merchants to promote their products online through the Marketplace and Special Offers sections.


We enable players to be rewarded with our newly issued utility crypto-token SGM while simply playing the world’s most popular mobile games. SGM will be the only way to access and benefit from the Sgame Pro Platform and the sole settlement method for all transactions within the Sgame Pro ecosystem.


In development since August 2016, Sgame Pro successfully launched the Alpha version 2017 reached more than 50,000 downloads with no marketing spend. Our entire focus is on mobile game industry is rapidly growing and we have developed some technical innovation supporting player, Publisher, merchant and an influencer.


Our platform aggregates the fragmented sector of independent and major game Publishers into a one-stop-shop gaming platform where Players will have the opportunity to challenge others in games that were previously only single player. This innovation is truly disruptive given that 78% of the mobile gaming market is single player while most of the revenues stem from multiplayer games.

We enable players to be rewarded with our newly issued utility crypto-token SGM while simply playing the world’s most popular mobile games. SGM will be the only way to access and benefit from the Sgame Pro Platform and the sole settlement method for all transactions within the Sgame Pro ecosystem.

SGM Token
Sales Details
Publisher: Sgame Sa (Swiss Based)
Symbol: SGM
Type: ERC20
Primary Sale: June 2018
Price on Chf: 10d before selling
ETH / CHF exchange rate: 24 hours before the main sale
Currency: ETH
KYC: Mandatory

Distribution of token

Total Offer: 350,000,000
Private sale: 139,500,000
Primary Sales: 55,000,000
Liquidity Reserve SGM: 83,000,000
Except for the issuer: 51,000,000
Adviser and Founder: 15,000,000
Rewards and Airdrops: 6,500,000


2016 November
Project Star
20017 April
Development Phase Begins
2017 October
Alpha Version Launch
2018 January
Influencer & Publisher Partnerships
2018 March
Private Sale
2018 April
Blockchain Integration
2018 Juny
Wolrdwide Roadshow
2018 July
Main Token
2018 November
Lauch Version 2.0
2019 March
Target User Base Of 1 Million
2019 May
Marketing Asian
2019 September
Target User Base Of 3 Million

Gip Cutrino

Nicola Rizzo

Natale Ferrara

Luca Carrozza

Dragan Bozic

Francesco Ongaro

Domenico Ferrari

Ale Menegotti

Andrea Sala

Giuseppe Rizzo

Davide Bisognin

Simone Bortolan

Pietro Ferro

Jennifer Rugghia

Aaron Cesaro

Igor Pezzilli

Roman Hammerl

Robert Taylor

Lars Schlichting

Validity Labs


Marzia Bisognin

Ignacio Sepulveda

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